
In her book Wintering, Katherine May writes that there are periods in our lives when we must retreat, in order to care for and repair ourselves. I had a set back a few weeks ago.… View Post

The Deer

The Deer
This year for my birthday, my husband promised me a deer.Before, only something sparkly would have done, evidence of the thought given toward my birthday treat. Apparently I’m difficult to buy for, and,he takes no… View Post

Why can’t I just rest?

Why can’t I just rest?
I didn’t feel well last weekend. From Thursday through to Sunday, my head thumped, my muscles ached and my energy all but deserted me. Instead of resting though, I ploughed on. Thursday I wrote, I… View Post

What’s in the news?

What’s in the news?
On our walk this morning my husband, who watches the early news, was telling me about today’s scandal. As is common, somebody was in the firing line of the British press for their ‘unforgivable’ actions.… View Post

Learning a new language

Learning a new language
For over half a year now, I have been learning to speak Spanish. Learning a new language is something that I have always wanted to do, and like with writing, something that I have given… View Post