“Monday is the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes.”
Don’t hate me but I love Mondays. It’s controversial I know; most people hate the first day of the week. The dislike for the day has inspired multiple songs: Manic Monday, I don’t like Mondays, Monday Monday, and the Guinness World Records have officially given it the record, worst day of the week.
For many of us Monday signals that we are back to work or school; that the weekend is over. It’s back to the grind at a job we might hate, or fighting the traffic to get the kids to school on time (or both). I must admit, Mondays are easier for me since I quit my job, but that’s not the reason why I love them.
A positive Monday begins on a Sunday
On a Sunday I will have emptied my wash basket and the ironing for the week will be done. My husband might have made a roast with loads of healthy veggies. The online shop will have been delivered and so the fridge will be filled with the promise of fresh, healthy meals for the week ahead. My daughter will have caught up on her homework and her school bag will sit ready by the front door.
So when Monday arrives, I am optimistic. Despite all evidence pointing to the contrary, I believe that starting from THIS Monday, I’m going to be a brand new me. My diet will be healthy, I will exercise and meditate every day, I will stay off my phone (because why do I need to know so much about US politics anyway?). I won’t argue with my husband or daughter. I won’t flip off other drives. In other words, I will be practically perfect in every way.
Monday me is the best me
Monday is when I am the most motivated. I rarely miss a Monday workout and my diet is usually on point. I give my phone a wide birth and instead of switching on the TV, I’m sat in front of the computer getting shit done.
Take this morning for example. By 8.30am, I had meditated, practised yoga and got my daughter to school on time, early even. By 10am, I’d walked the dog and made a stew and was sat in front of the computer writing, while eating a healthy breakfast (after my preferred 16 hour fast). Tonight, before bed, I’ll likely meditate again, do some wind down yoga and read something educational before turning the lights out in good time, to allow for me to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep.
Tuesday will be much the same but will require a little more effort. Wednesday too but maybe one of the yoga sessions will have dropped off and my diet may have wandered slightly. Come Thursday, I’m sleeping in, rushing my daughter out of the house so we’re not late for school, eating way too many carbs and watching Phill and Holly on This Morning, at the same time as reading about the midterm elections on my mobile.
And we all know that Thursday is practically the weekend. Who cares if I only have a year to change my life? So it’s more daytime TV and I move so little that the sofa has a me shaped dent in it.
By Sunday morning, I’m despondent, lamenting the lack of progress in every area of my life. But guess what? Tomorrow is Monday. A fresh start. And this time I mean it, I AM going to change. So I tidy my house and wash and iron the clothes. I stock the fridge and get to bed early.
Monday is full of promise. Maybe this week will be different.
It’s a good argument for Monday. I still hate it though 😅