How is it Christmas time already? Five-minutes ago I was enjoying my summer holidays and now, all of a sudden, the festivities are upon us. My husband loves Christmas. It is the one time of the year that he really looks forward to. I mean, it must be real easy for him to enjoy it seeing as I buy and wrap all of the gifts. When our daughter opens her presents on Christmas morning, they are as much of a surprise to him as they are to her.
In his defence, he does prepare Christmas lunch for the entire family. And, I would much rather do the gifts than the cooking. Without doubt, I would fall apart under that pressure. He buys the food, he cooks it, he serves it; he even helps to clean up afterwards. I can’t complain really, even if, for the rest of the day, he doesn’t move from the sofa. To be fair, I don’t think he can under the weight of his Christmas lunch.
Christmas critic
The decorations are also his responsibility; and one that he takes very seriously. When our daughter was younger I had to remind him to let her get involved, and her age did little to protect her from his critical eye. Although, it’s not THAT critical. One year, it looked like Christmas had vomited all over our house; there was tinsel EVERYWHERE. In hindsight, I probably didn’t need to tell him that; he was very hurt. He’s gotten better since then. Or, I have learnt to keep my mouth shut. I’ve realised that I can’t really criticise when I have no interest in doing it myself.
I do like Christmas but I find it stressful and, well, a bit … anti-climatic. I have done since I was a kid. All of that anticipation ahead of the big day and by 7am, all the fun suff is done and dusted. Plus, for reasons unbeknownst to me, receiving gifts makes me feel funny. I just don’t know how to accept them gracefully. It doesn’t matter how thoughtful the gift, I never seem able to convey genuine gratitude. Our family made the decision a few years back to stop buying for the adults, thank God. We all have everything we need, so what’s the point?
Christmas highlights
My favourite Christmas was before my daughter was born (I’m aware of how terrible that sounds). It was also before my husband had taken over hosting duties and so we were at my mum’s house, where all I had to do was eat, drink and be merry. After dinner, everyone retired to the living room to watch TV (and fall asleep no doubt) and I lay on the sofa in another room, by myself, reading. I didn’t move for the remainder of the day, other than to replenish my plate. I barely spoke to anyone. It was heaven.
Then, a few years ago, we went to Australia for Christmas. Neither my husband nor daughter were overly keen, but I promised them the trip of a lifetime. I loved it; them, not so much. Road tripping through New South Wales; Christmas dinner at a swish country club; bringing in the new year on the Gold Coast. Being on the other side of the world from the cold and grey was a tonic but FaceTiming home to see our loved ones celebrating without us did tug at the heartstrings. Also, if I’m honest (don’t tell my husband), it didn’t feel like Christmas. The Australians aren’t as into it as we are and seeing reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh just felt wrong.
This Christmas time
Since then, I have made more of an effort to enjoy Christmas time, if even for my family’s sake. My sister made us start playing board games on Christmas afternoon a couple of years ago, and that has provided much hilarity. Although my young nephew is still scarred by my: “I can smell your vagina” clue for The Silence of the Lambs while playing Articulate. The adults, to my credit, got it immediately.
My daughter is also a bit older now, and so there is much less pressure to keep up with the Elf on the Shelf thing. We still do it, but now she joins in. Plus, we don’t have to keep up with the whole Santa lie, and can take full credit for her presents.
This year, I am feeling particularly festive. Maybe is it an age thing, but I am viewing it more as quality time to spend with my family. I’m looking forward to the usual Christmas movies that I have seen a hundred times, and, of course, the food.
You know what I love most about Christmas though? It’s New Year’s Eve. While most people are planning their outfits, and deciding where they’ll bring in the new year; I am delighting in taking down the decorations. That feeling of going into January 1st with a clean house and fresh bedding; now, that is what I’m here for.