Why can’t I just rest?

Why can’t I just rest?
I didn’t feel well last weekend. From Thursday through to Sunday, my head thumped, my muscles ached and my energy all but deserted me. Instead of resting though, I ploughed on. Thursday I wrote, I… View Post

It’s (not) all about the money

It’s (not) all about the money
I’ve not been working in the traditional sense, that is, not contributing financially to the household, for just over a year now. Even when I was working, my husband was the main earner. Although I… View Post

Tenerife: a trip down memory lane

Tenerife: a trip down memory lane
Last week I spent a few days in Tenerife. It was a trip down memory lane. The last time I was there, I was 18…26 year ago. Then, I was taking a regular gap year… View Post